To understand cash management, one must understand FLOAT. Float is the most critical component in Cash Management. Learn about cash float in this article.
Float is the most critical component in Cash Management
Float is the time interval between the start and completion of each step in the cash management cycle.
The management of float is the management of cash.
Each cash management system is designed to improve the flow of cash by accelerating the collection of funds and extending the disbursement float.
There are two categories of Float:
Complete Bank Reconciliation Process
Bank Reconciliation Process is a eight step process starting from uploading the Bank Statement to finally posting the entries in General Ledger. Learn the Eight Steps in Detail!
Unravel the mystery behind clearing. Why we use clearing accounts. Find the relevance of word "Clearing" in business context.
Learning objectives for this lesson are: Meaning of Order to Cash Process; Sub Processes under Order to Cash; Process Flow for Order to Cash; Key Roles & Transactions; Key Setups/Master Data Requirements.
Cash Management - Integrations
Cash Management integrates cash transactions from various sources like Receivables, Payables, Treasury and creates reconciliation accounting entries after matching transactions with Bank Statements.
The topic for this lesson is "Introduction to Cash Management Process". We start with the learning objectives for building requisite functional expertise in cash management process.
The objective of funding Management is to implement strategies that lead to the best borrowing rates and lower investment costs. Learn how treasury aids in loans and investment management functions.
Account Reconciliation – How? Learn the three key attributes to perfom account reconciliation.
Cash Clearing – Accounting Entries
The Cash Clearing process enables you to track amounts that have actually cleared your bank. Learn the steps and accounting entries that gets generated during the cash clearing process.
The Cash Clearing process enables you to track amounts that have actually cleared your bank. Till reconciliation happens the amounts are parked in 'Cash Clearing Account'.
What is Invoice to Cash Process
In this article, we will explore the business process area known as; Invoice to Cash; Also known as I2C. Learning objectives for this lesson are: Meaning of Invoice to Cash Process; Sub Processes under Invoice to Cash; Process Flow for Invoice to Cash; Key Transactions Fields; Key Setups/Master Data Requirements.
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