Many different accounts are used in finance. Understand the representation and nature of clearing account in context of accounting, finance and ERP Systems.
Many different types of accounts exist in the general ledger.
Each account hold information of a specific nature - relating to a company's business transactions.
Many companies use clearing account, which is an intermediate account
Before we dive into cash management, let us fist understand what we mean by cash and what constitutes cash in context of cash management process.
The objective of funding Management is to implement strategies that lead to the best borrowing rates and lower investment costs. Learn how treasury aids in loans and investment management functions.
How the inflow and outflow of cash is linked to the operating cycles of the business? Learn the cash management process in an enterprize and it's key components.
Introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process
These set of articles provide a brief introduction to Bank Reconciliation Process. This topic not only discusses the meaning of bank reconciliation process but also discusses how this process in handled in new age ERPs and Automated Reconciliation Systems.
Account Reconciliation – How? Learn the three key attributes to perfom account reconciliation.
Complete Bank Reconciliation Process
Bank Reconciliation Process is a eight step process starting from uploading the Bank Statement to finally posting the entries in General Ledger. Learn the Eight Steps in Detail!
In manual clearing, Bank statement details are to be matched manually considering certain rules. Learn the steps involved in manual clearing of bank transactions.
Many different accounts are used in finance. Understand the representation and nature of clearing account in context of accounting, finance and ERP Systems.
Suspense and clearing accounts resemble each other in many respects but there exists important fundamental difference between the two. Read more to explore these differences.
Why enterprises need cash management. What is the purpose of having a well defined cash management process?
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